Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Starting First Grade Off Right... Centers!!!

Room 11 First Graders walked in the room Monday morning ready to set new reading goals, ready for "challenging, fifth grade math," ready for recess on the "big playground," ready for science explorations, ready to see each other, but most of all ready for... CENTERS! Here are a few moments captured as the children explored new, "big kid" centers and old favorites...

This is Isaac checking out "Science" Center. We are collecting bones, feathers, rocks, minerals, and other items of interest to add to our collection. You can see Isaac is sketching the items in his science journal.

Kyle, Griffin, and Hadley tried their hands at the new 1st grade center, "No-Ends," aptly named because there is no end to the creations and buildings you can make!

James, Trigg, and Luke chose an old favorite, "Inventions!" In Inventions children create anything and everything with boxes, tape, string, ribbon, bottles... you name it! Parents, please don't throw away your cereal boxes! We will use them!

Ava and Nikki are storytelling with "Fairy Tales" center.

Another classic... Sand Center! Monique, Mandi, Jayden, and Bernadette are getting a little dirty!

Skylar and Honor (below) are at "Chalk" Center... using their best "teaching" voices!
Shelby Kate, Andrew, Isaac, and Mikas are making new versions of their old favorites from Marble Run.Posted by Picasa
Alex and Anthony are exploring with "Marble Tilt" and "City Center," respectively.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Life Cycles Research

Anthony and Alex wanted to do extra research on the life cycle of an asp or a puss caterpillar. They researched information with Arthur, our math coach, and presented their research to the class on Tuesday. They wrote their information down, read it aloud, made models of the life cyles, and learned the names of the stages of the asp.
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Ice Cream Party Purchased at ACALC Auction

Ice Cream Party at Meredith's House!

Summer has begun, at least at Meredith's house, anyway! A group of famillies purchased Meredith's Ice Cream Party at the Alice Carlson Auction a couple of weeks ago. Andrew, Luke, Trigg, and Mikas all participated in the sticky, wet, cool, yummy ice cream mess and sprinkler parade with Meredith and her dog, Miles. They blew bubbles, had four different flavors of ice cream with sprinkles, chocolate syrup, and whipped cream, filled up water balloons, and ran through the sprinklers. It was a good time had by all!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Jayden's Seed Story

When we were in the Botanic Gardens we were giving presents. We went to the garden and we were giving. Honor was opening presents and we were having a good time. We went home. I said to Rylee, "It was a great day," and Rylee said, "Yeah."

Skylar's Seed Story

Skylar's Seed Story: One cold day I went to the Sharp's house for swimming. I almost drowned in the deep end. I was scared. I screamed hard as fast as I can. I felt scared but I was brave to not drown in the deep end. So I got on the raft. I said in my head, "I will get on the raft."

Mandi's Seed Story

Mandi's Seed Story: I went to a party that is skating party and it was fun skating. I said "I got it." It felt smooth.

Monique's Seed Story

Monique's Seed Story: When it was hot we went to a park that has swimming pools. Everywhere water was around me! When we got there we went to the bathroom... We put on our bathing suits. I felt water on me. I said, "Mom tomorrow can we go swimming again?" My mom said, "Yes." My grandma made my mom's swimsuit.